Quality and Sustainability Policies
At Dann Organization we make sure that our clients receive a personalized service in an environment of hospitality, kindness and excellence. We work with a competent, empowered and committed human team that ensures the loyalty of our clients and guarantees continuous improvement through quality processes and practices in order to obtain optimal return on investment for shareholders.
We are committed to minimizing the negative impacts on environmental, sociocultural and economic resources, based on principles of sustainability, we strive for our employees, guests, customers and suppliers to participate in the promotion and conservation of cultural and natural heritage through actions and programs that contribute to its preservation and rational use of natural resources, without affecting customer satisfaction and benefiting the community and complying with applicable requirements.
Likewise, our allies know and are committed to the protection of children and adolescents, with which we prevent any form of child exploitation”.
Dann Sustainability Goals
Develop the skills of collaborators based on real needs, contributing to the development and strengthening of their skills, so that they can efficiently perform the tasks and functions associated with their job.
Guarantee that actions are carried out aimed at the minimization and adequate use of chemical products. We select products that are friendly to the environment and we establish the corresponding verification.
Locate the direct sources of environmental, visual and auditory pollution and implement strategies that reduce their impact, evaluating whether they are carried out.
Reduce the consumption of resources (water, electricity and fuel) in the hotel, implementing the established activities.
Control of waste management in the Hotel, through the implementation of new techniques in the collection from the source, to the organization, classification and removal of waste from the hotel.
Plan, execute, verify and develop preventive and corrective activities with the purpose of maintaining the Hotel’s rental structure in conditions of presentation, comfort and availability and the operating equipment in good working order.
Promote knowledge about the cultural heritage, fauna and flora of the city in collaborators, guests and clients preventing negative impacts.