Organize your event at Hotel Dann Carlton Quito!

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Rooms for events in Quito

Hotel Dann Carlton Quito has 13 meeting rooms available, ideal for small and medium size corporate and social events.

Learn more about what our event rooms in Quito have to offer!


Rooms for events


Meeting rooms
Video beam
Coffee Station
Two-adult annex bedroom

*Some of these may have an additional cost

  • Auditorium
  • Classroom
  • Round table
  • Screen
  • Audio and sound set for events
Ubicación Salón Área (m2) Banquete (Sin A/V) Banquete Cóctel Teatro Tipo U Aula
Ph Victoria 317 200 180 300 200 50 150
Mz Cambridge I 184 120 100 150 100 40 60
Mz Cambridge II 48 30 20 30 30 15 18
Mz Stanford 75 50 40 50 40 25 30
Mz Britania 52 30 20 30 30 15 18
Mz Gales 86,8 60 50 50 50 25 30
Mz Windsor 115 70 60 50 60 30 45
Mz Oxford 68 50 30 40 40 24 30
Mz Manchester 67 50 30 40 40 24 30
Mz Imperial 287 200 170 250 180 40 120
Lb Isabela 55 20 20 25 25 12 12
Lb Chelsea I 36 25 20 25 20 12 12
Lb Chelsea II 28 N/A N/A N/A N/A 8 N/A